Sunday, March 6, 2011

Wonderful practises.. .. :)

For the "India Day", I'm going to perform a small piece of melody which is completely inspired from the Indian Classical Music. Each day with the blessings of the universal Goddess of Knowledge "Mata Saraswati", I begin my practises.. But I must say, practises in my music classes are a lot more fun than practising alone at home and missing my other friends..
Here is our music class setup where my Guru teaches me the most wonderful music.. There's this incredible thing about music to which, i must say everyone wil agree, that however well rehearsed you are, and no matter how many times you practise music, there's always a scope for something new... something innovative.. and something which is very unknown... And thus, may be, it has the power to refresh your mind each time you listen to music, whichever type it may be... :)

Hope I do justice to my little learnings from my beloved Guru.. :)

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