Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Post from Stockholm!!

so finally in Swden and pretty cold here. managing to strive through wearing layers and layers of clothing. Otherwise the travel was smooth and the first day was quite interesting. All our Swedes friends were at the airport to recieve us and they took us to af Chapman Hostel..for rest of the things read our students posts...they are quite excited to share the experiences with you all........


  1. Dear Dr. Uma,
    It is natural you are moving from 30 degrees to freezing temperature. Be prepared to bear 35 degrees when you come back.

  2. Sir,

    very true!!! But its nice to see white flakes of ice all over. Real treat to the eyes !

  3. Dear Uma,
    Have been enjoying reading all the posts. Talking about snow. Bet in India, when it rains you will feel like staying indoors and snacking on bhajas;-) or if you dont mind get wet in the rains. So what do you feel like doing there when it snows;-)I have an idea its Holi on the 19th, so enjoy in the snow! regards to Sonia too. Take care.
