Sunday, March 20, 2011

Our visit to the Royal Armoury..

We reached the Royal Armoury after walking along the beautiful lake with swans and other ducks.The Royal Armoury shows five centuries of Swedish Royal history.Most of the exibits were made for and belonged to the Swedish royal family from Gustav Vasa to the present king Carl XVI Gustaf.Let me mention some of the most amazing things we saw in each room of this museum.

The 1st room i.e. room A had Charles XII's uniform in it.The 1 which he wore when he died in Norway.The fatal bullet hole can be seen on the left side of the hat and one can see blood stains on da gloves.In room B we had a lool at the Count Bielke's early 18th century armoury at Tureholm Castle.
Room C was just so photogenic! It had armours of both men as well as horses and weapons.A showcase on the wall containing ornamental time pieces belonging to the royalty.CharIles XII's gold watch grabbed everyone's attention!This watch was made in london in 1700.It wa sstolen from the royal Armouryin 1968 anf vanished for over 30 years. Then it was bought by this musems when it came up for sale.

Room D had crown princess Victoria's gown and Gustav III's costume.The royal nursery contained toys and clothing of the princes and the princesses which were exibited in Room E.
Room F had some head gears and some similar clothes. We took pictues in all the possible poses withem thoseclothes.

truely enjoyed todays day!


  1. Hi Barkha.
    You certainly seem to enjoy the bit of Swedish history you describe. Was any of the history you saw connected to their Viking past? - Ranjit

  2. Dear Barkha,
    Please post some Pictures.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Dear ranjit sir..
    this museum had the royal armoury maintained in it, nothing that belonged to the vikings was der. we are learning(nothing much though) about the vikings during the history classes.

  5. dear sir,
    i tried uploading the pictures but there was some error. I will try n upload dem as soon as possible...
