Friday, March 18, 2011

In the classroom and beyond. . .

Today is the fifth day of our marvellous stay in Sweden and so far we have attended quite a number of lectures at the Tullinge gymnasium.

The first lecture was delivered by Erik, who taught us about Swedish history. His class covered topics like the different regions in Sweden, how it came into existance, and also the many conquests and adventures of some great people in Sweden.

Then Eva invited us to her class to participate in it. The topic of the lesson was Ethocentricism and cultural prejudice. The class was very interactive and Eva only inroduced the topic and divided us into groups for discussion. In each group there were 2 tiger students, 2 "Goan Swedes" and 2 "Swedish Swedes". We sat together and discussed various issues regarding our topics and then assembled to conclude the lesson.

In our next class, we learned about religiousity in Sweden from Hanna. She taught us about Martin Luther and his contribution to the Church. She also explained the different and changing roles that the church plays in Sweden and influence of other religious beliefs in the lifestyle of Sweden. She also spoke how asian beliefs like Ashthanga yoga, Tai Chi and QiGong were gaining popularity in the European nations.

Yesterday we also learned some Swedish thanks to Anna. We knew many words, but now we know even more....we learned the numbers and alphabets in Swedish. So watch out fellow tigers and people back home....we now have a new language under our belts....

The classrooms in school here are beautiful...lots of pictures of famous people, walls of glass....well ventilated, spaced out seating arrangement and overall awesome !!
Their lectures are very much discussion based and the teacher has a very passive role to play.

More on the education part of it as days pass by....

till then...tack och Hej du !!!....

Pio :)

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